Log Correlation Engine
The Log Correlation Engine (LCE) module provides the interface between the user and the correlation engine. The instrument allows The Log Correlation Engine to recognize significant, user-defined sequences within a flow of events, which from now on we will call correlation rules to raise real-time alerts or trigger automatic countermeasures. Our Log Correlation Engine does allow the creation of very simple and intuitive event-based correlation rules, helping the user easily indicate sequences of events that must occur in a given time interval.

Visibility of Dynamic Multi-Step Events
The Log Correlation Engine provides the capability to define rules and detect threat scenarios. Our Log Correlation Engine aggregates and analyzes log data from across your network applications, systems and devices, making it possible to discover security threats alerts or trigger automatic countermeasures using scripts or interacting with external systems via API’s. The correlation rules may be used on real time or historical data. Our solution easy and intuitive GUI allows the creation of complex chained event based correlation rules in a few simple steps.
Quickly and Confidently
Perform efficient multi-step analysis and investigations with smart automation and visibility to quickly triage, prioritize and respond to threats.
Predefined Rules Set
It is possible to choose correlation rules from many predefined templates, constantly updated and guaranteed by the experience of our Security Engineers.
File Integrity Monitoring
Monitor file activities to protect sensitive information from theft, loss and malware. Check and view details or changes made to files and folders identifying an advanced persistent threat attack.
Automated Response
The Log Correlation Engine can engage automated response in case of threats by launching scripts or interacting with security components via API or APPs to mitigate threats.
Easy To Use
Create your own rules in few steps by drag and drop: time-range, events and actions
Predefined Rules Set
It is possible to choose correlation rules from many predefined templates, constantly updated and guaranteed by the experience of our Security Engineers.
File Integrity Monitoring
Monitor file activities to protect sensitive information from theft, loss and malware. Check and view details or changes made to files and folders identifying an advanced persistent threat attack.
Automated Response
The Log Correlation Engine can engage automated response in case of threats by launching scripts or interacting with security components via API or APPs to mitigate threats.
Easy To Use
Create your own rules in few steps by drag and drop: time-range, events and actions

Open Platform
Integrates with existing infrastructure components, enables custom workflows and interaction with third party applications

Forensic Analysis
This discovery offers a full spectrum of information system-focused investigative capabilities base on manual research
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